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刘伟民 Ph D,Nanjing University
发布时间: 2018-09-30  浏览次数:




[1]W. M. Liu, L. Jiang, W. C. Chen, X. D. Li. White dwarf mass growth in cataclysmic variables: roles of dwarf novae, MNRAS, 2023, 523, 907

[2]W. M. Liu, L. Yungelson, A. Kuranov. He-star donor AM CVn stars and their progenitors as LISA sources, A&A, 2022, 668, A80

[3]W. M. Liu, L. Jiang, W. C. Chen. On the Progenitors of AM CVn Stars as LISA Sources: The Evolved Donor Star Channel, ApJ, 2021, 910, 22

[4]L. Jiang, N. Wang, W. C. Chen, X. D. Li, W. M. Liu, Z. F. Gao. A strange star scenario for the formation of isolated millisecond pulsars, A&A, 2020, 633, A45

[5]W. M. Liu, X. D. Li. Can the Friction of the Nova Envelope Account for the Extra Angular Momentum Loss in Cataclysmic Variables? ApJ, 2019, 870, 22

[6]W. M. Liu, X. D. Li. Evolution of Post-accretion-induced Collapse Binaries: The Effect of Evaporation, ApJ, 2017, 851, 58

[7]W. M. Liu, X. D. Li. On the White Dwarf Mass Problem of Cataclysmic Variables, ApJ, 2016, 832, 80

[8]W. M. Liu, W. C. Chen. Magnetic braking of Ap/Bp stars: an alternative formation mechanism of compact intermediate-mass binary pulsars, MNRAS, 2014, 441, 3615

[9]W. C. Chen, W. M. Liu. Evolution of neutron star + He star binaries: an alternative evolutionary channel to intermediate-mass binary pulsars, MNRAS, 2013, 432, L75

[10]W. M. Liu, W. C. Chen. On the progenitors of millisecond pulsars by the recycling evolutionary channel, MNRAS, 2011, 416, 2285

[11]W. M. Liu, W. C. Chen, B. Wang, Z. W. Han. Helium-star evolutionary channel to super-Chandrasekhar mass type Ia supernovae, A&A, 2010, 523, A3








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