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梁果 PhD, South China Normal University
发布时间: 2015-12-30  浏览次数:








2008.09-至今   beat365中文版官方网站,讲师、副教授

2018.11-2019.11  旧金山州立大学,访问学者(合作导师:陈志刚教授)

2021.07-至今   beat365亚洲版官网科研处副处长






[1]自聚焦-自散焦状态可互换Kerr系统的物理实现问题(编号11604199), 国家自然科学基金;结题

[2]损耗非局域材料中旋转椭圆光束传输特性的研究(编号16A140030), 河南省高等学校重点科研项目;结题




[1].G. Liang#, H. Zhang#, L. Fang, Q. Shou, W. Hu, and Q. Guo*, Influence of transverse cross-phases on propagations of optical beams in linear and nonlinear regimes, Laser Photonics Rev. 14, 2000141 (2020). 中科院一区影响因子:13.138

[2]. G. Liang, F. Shu*, H. Qiao, and W. Cheng, Solitons train in nonlocally nonlinear system with oscillatory responses, Chaos Soliton Fract. 168: 113146 (2023). 中科院一区

[3]. G. Liang*, F.Shu, L. Zhong*, M. Wang, and W. Cheng, Chirp-induced chaotic self-trapped patterns and power controllable interactions in nonlocal nonlinear system with oscillatory responses, Chaos Soliton Fract. 172: 113504 (2023).中科院一区

[4]. G. Liang, et. al, Spiraling elliptic hollow beams with cross phase, New J. Phys. 25, 033011 (2023). 中科院

[5] G. Liang, et. al, Defocusing based generation and control of chaotic self-trapped patterns in nonlocal nonlinear system with sine-oscillatory response, Nonlinear Dynam. (2023) In Press 中科院

[6]. G. Liang*, et. al, Nonlinearity-mediated collimation of optical beams, Opt. Express 30, 10770 (2022). 中科院

[7]. G. Liang*, et. al, Adiabatic evolution of optical beams in nonlocal nonlinear media of gradual nonlocality, Opt. Express 29, 9618 (2021). 中科院

[8]. G. Liang, et. al, Rotation controlling of spiraling elliptic beams in inhomogeneous nonlocal media, New J. Phys. 23, 103036 (2021). 中科院

[9]. G. Liang*, et. al, Evolutions of optical vortices under wide Gaussian background, Results Phys. 26, 104352 (2021). 中科院

[10]. G. Liang, et. al, Nonlocality-controllable Kerr-nonlinearity in nonlocally nonlinear system with oscillatory responses, New J. Phys. 22, 073024 (2020). 中科院

[11]. G. Liang, et. al, Transition between self-focusing and self-defocusing in a nonlocally nonlinear system, Phys. Rev. A 99, 063808 (2019). 中科院

[12]. G. Liang, et. al, Trajectories and rotations controlled off-axis winding beams in nonlocal nonlinear media, Opt. Express 27, 21185 (2019). 中科院

[13]. G. Liang, Revolving and spinning of optical patterns by two coaxial spiraling elliptic beams in nonlocal nonlinear media, Opt. Express 27, 14667 (2019). 中科院

[14]. G. Liang, et. al, Controllable conversion between Hermite Gaussian and Laguerre Gaussian modes due to cross phase, Opt. Express 27, 10684 (2019). 中科院

[15]. G. Liang, et. al, Anisotropic diffraction induced by orbital angular momentum during propagations of optical beams, Opt. Express 26, 8084 (2018). 中科院

[16]. G. Liang*, et. al, Spiraling elliptic solitons in lossy nonlocal nonlinear media, Opt. Express 25, 11717 (2017). 中科院

[17]. G. Liang, et. al, Spatial solitons with complicated structure in nonlocal nonlinear media, Opt. Express, 24, 28784 (2016). 中科院

[18]. G. Liang, et. al, Spiraling elliptic beam in nonlocal nonlinear media, Opt. Express, 23, 24612 (2015). 中科院

[19]. G. Liang, et. al, Spiraling elliptic solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media without anisotropy, Phys. Rev. A, 88, 043825 (2013). 中科院

[20]. Q. Wang, J. Yang, and G. Liang*, Controllable soliton transition and interaction in nonlocal nonlinear media, Nonlinear Dyn. 101, 1169 (2020). 中科院

[21]. Y. Zheng, X. Chen, G. Liang*, and Q. Guo*, Adiabatic propagation of beams in nonlocal nonlinear media with gradual linear loss/gain, Results Phys. 26, 104352 (2023). 中科院

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