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曾庆国 PhD, Liaoning Normal University
发布时间: 2015-12-30  浏览次数:


曾庆国,中共党员,理学博士。主要研究方向为高能实验与唯象、粒子物理理论。在行业内权威学术期刊Physics Letters B、Nuclear Physics B、JHEP 等期刊发表SCI学术论文15篇。作为主要完成人参与国家自然科学基金4项、河南省科技攻关项目2项。已主持完成国家自然科学基金理论物理专项项目1项、校重大科研培育项目1项。现主持在研国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,河南省高等学校重点科研项目1项、校青年骨干教师项目1项。讲授的课程有《电路分析》《电磁学》、《物理学》等,获第三届全国高等学校物理基础课程青年教师讲课比赛(河南赛区)二等奖,beat365亚洲版官网首届青年教师教学奖二等奖,beat365中文版官方网站教师课堂教学大赛一等奖。


1Q.G ZengProduction of the quintuplet leptons in future high energy linear e+e- collidersNuclear Physics B20169054):251-263

2Q.G ZengProduction of the doubly charged leptons at the ILCEurophysics Letters20151112

3Q.G ZengPair Production of the Doubly Charged Leptons Associated with a Gauge Boson r or Z in e+e- and rr Collisions at Future Linear CollidersCommun. Theor. Phys.2015633):331-339

4. Q.G ZengS Yang, C.X Yue,Y YuAssociated production of the heavy charged gauge boson WH and a top quark at LHC Europhys.Lett. 107 (2014) 41002.

 5C.X YueS.Y CaoQ.G ZengLight axigluon and single top production at the LHCJournal of High Energy Physics201420144):683-720

 6Y. YuC. X YueQ.G ZengProduction of techni-dilaton associated with a top quark at the LHCModern Physics Letters A20142916

7G.L LiuF WangQ.G ZengThe lepton flavor violating signal of the charged scalar and in photon–photon collision at the ILCNuclear Physics B20148841):257-273

8Q.G ZengS Yang, C.X Yue, C.L. Song, Productions and decays for the 125 GeV Higgs boson in the littlest Higgs model with T –parity Chinese Physics C Vol. 37, No. 5 (2013) 054102.

9C.X YueQ.Y ShiM.Y Liao, Q.G ZengBottom partner B and Zb production at the LHCPhysics Letters B20137184–5):1390-1394

10Q.G ZengC.X Yue, J.ZhangPair production of the heavy leptons associated with a gauge boson γ or Z at the ILC , Nuclear Physics B 860 (2012) 152




 [2]《Higgs粒子的耦合性质及Quintuplet Fermions的物理迹象分析》,国家自然科学基金,11547216,经费7.5万元,2016/01-2016/12



上一条:曹洪敏 PhD, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 下一条:杜雪莲 PhD, Lanzhou University

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